Sunday, July 17, 2011

Random Thoughts

Time really does go fast - three weeks in Paris seemed like a really long time, but I still have lots of things on my to do or see list. Biggest problem seems to be stamina - don't think we have three full weeks of stamina in us anymore!

Walking three or four blocks with grocerIes would get old very fast so, if I lived here, I would definately have a rolling cart.

Another sign that we're older than before is the fact that we can't eat nearly as much as we used to eat while traveling. One normal meal, one very small meal and a palmier or croissant for breakfast has left me feeling very over stuffed.

After 2 1/2 weeks, I finally learned how to open the apartment door and, as it turns out, it's quite easy.  You just have to pull the door handle toward you as you turn the key to the right, but  that was not explained.

Street Musicians
I find it interesting that, despite a tax rate of 19.6% plus a TVA (value added tax) of 5.5%, Parisiens seem to eat out a lot, sit in cafes and drink coffee and shop.  The government controls a lot of things we wouldn't accept, like the fact merchants are only allowed to have sales twice a year - during the month of January and July but everything seems to run pretty smoothly.  Garbage is picked up daily at the apartment and, on the street, it's picked up several times a day and the streets are washed down daily.  Their transportation system is extremely efficient, they have free health care but their are a lot of very poor people begging in the street.  There are also a lot of street musicians who seem to do quite well and many are very talented.

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