Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Debunking the Myths

Numerous times during our three weeks we were taken by the myths about the French that are either no longer true or maybe never were.  A few that were most noticeable:
The French don't eat on the street, but only sitting in restaurants or at home.  Daily we saw lots and lots of French people walking and eating all manner of food from ham sandwiches and crepes to cakes and pasteries.

No one but tourists wear tennis shoes in Paris - so not true.  Tennis shoes are seen on everyone's feet and are in all the store windows.  They have some of the most novel and colorful tennis shoes I've ever seen, many that match the outfits they're shown with.

Parisiens don't wear shorts.  Although we were there during a chilly, rainy spell, we saw a fair number of locals wearing shorts.  Summer probably really brings them out.

The French don't really say Bon appetit.  They do!  At least half of the restaurants we ate  in said those very words when they served us.

You have to fight for a seat on the Metro and people don't give up their seat.  I will admit that during the busy hours, all Metro seats are taken and when one person gets up, another is almost immediately in their place.  However, I had a seat offered to me on many many occassions and by all ages.

Most French people smoke.  Although the number of people smoking is higher than in the US, there are a lot fewer smoking than previously.

The French rarely smile and think we smile way too much and for no reason.  It is true that the French don't walk around with a smile on their face but, usually when we smiled at one of them (even on the Metro) we got a smile in return.


The French do talk to themselves - all the time and everywhere.

They always wear scarves.  Man and women both seem unable to go out the door without a scarf around their neck, but they always look good in them.

You still have to watch where you step as only a few of them pick up after their dogs.

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