Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Restaurants, Bistros (Bistrots), Brasseries, Cafes et al

I often have tried to figure out the difference beetween the variety of eating establishments and have read many definitions but have come to the conclusion that there is no clear cut distinction anymore.   A restaurant used to be open only for lunch & dinner and, outside of those hours, you were out of luck.  On this trip, we ran into several eating establishments that had the name restaurant on their awning or window but were open from morning to night & seemed more like my idea of a brasserie. The only difference between a brasserie and bistro seems to be size as most bistros are smaller & cozier than the sprawling brasseries, but basically they often offer the same types of food. Here are pictures of a few where we had meals, snacks or just a drink.


  1. I understand. I am never quite sure unless I go in the late afternoon and they ask me if I"m going to eat! It's a French thing that I think I am still learning.

    Thank you for your comment on my blog and the information about the dancer. I appreciate that so much.

  2. Thank you for following my blog. There is a special connection among those who love Paris. I will be back in Paris soon and hope that I can discover new adventures and places that will be put on your list for your next visit. I already know one chef and restaurant that will be fabulous and not to expensive.

    Stay in touch...


    1. I have a huge restaurant list (by arrondissment) compiled and am always interested in adding places other Parisofiles have eaten & found to be worthwhile, whether for the food, ambiance or some quirk that makes it stand out.

  3. je découvre ton blog que je trouve très intéressant, je reviendrai bien sûr, je me suis inscrite pour le suivre et je t'invite à venir me voir sur les miens à l'occasion n'hésite pas j'aurai le plaisir de te lire! Merci encore!
    Have a good day !
